This page is adapted to the “Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y del Comercio Electrónico” (LSSI), as well as its subsequent modifications. And it contains the terms and conditions under which GRANDURE, S.L. (CIF: B-47682950) offers the information, products and services contained in its website to the users of the same. By accessing this site, the user is accepting the following terms and conditions. If as a user you do not accept or do not agree with them, you must leave this page.

1. Scope of Application. Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

The information content, products and services included in this site shall be governed by Spanish law. In case of dispute as to its interpretation, execution or enforcement, the parties expressly waive their own jurisdiction, if any, expressly submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of Laguna de Duero (Valladolid).

2. Information Accuracy

The information contained on the site has been prepared solely for information purposes and has no official value, except where indicated. Grandure, S.L. does not guarantee that the information contained in the site is accurate, current or complete. It is provided “as is” and under no circumstances guarantees, implicitly or explicitly, the achievement of a particular result or its suitability for a particular purpose. Therefore, Grandure, S.L. shall not be liable for any loss (direct or indirect) caused as a consequence of a decision taken on the basis of the information provided herein.

Existing information and content may be changed or withdrawn without prior notice. Likewise, improvements or changes may be made to the products, services, design or programs used for its operation at any time and without prior notice.

3. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The content of this website (including designs, structure, color combinations, logos, animations, audio and video files…) is protected by intellectual and industrial property laws. Therefore, its reproduction (except for private use of the user), distribution, public communication and transformation without the express authorization of Grandure, S.L. is prohibited, by written request to:

4. Hypertexts and Links to other sites or pages

The site may contain links to third party pages whose contents, despite the periodic revisions we make, we cannot control at all times. The connection of a user, from our website, to these links outside our company will be made under the sole responsibility of the surfer. Consequently, we cannot guarantee, in relation to these other sites, their quality, accuracy or suitability.

In no way can it be considered that these links are an extension of our site or that we share the views expressed therein. Or that we have any connection with the products or services provided/sold by them.

However, if you notice any information in them that could be contrary to the law, the dignity of persons, racist, xenophobic or advocacy of terrorism and violence, please inform us by email to: In order to remove them.

5. Exención de Responsabilidad

El sitio no se hace responsable de los posibles errores, que se pudieran producir por el hecho de utilizar versiones de navegadores no actualizadas. O de las consecuencias que se pudieran derivar del mal funcionamiento o incorrecta utilización del navegador, ni se responsabiliza o garantiza, de manera implícita o explícita, que el acceso al sitio sea ininterrumpido o que esté libre de error.

6. Validity

If by any legal provision or judicial declaration any of the rules contained in these sections does not conform to the law, this shall not prevent the rest of the terms and conditions, not affected, to be considered valid for all purposes.


CIF: B-47682950